


努力する Making efforts




努力する Making efforts|cyp_yogi
今日は行きたくなかったけどB型作業所に2時間行くことができた。作業は簡単なものだったから2時間すぐに経った。 昔と今を比べると、あるいは人と自分を比べるととても辛くなることがある。だけど色々考えて、制限のある状態でできる範囲頑張ってみよう、...

I didn’t want to go today, but I was able to go to the B-type workshop for two hours. The work was easy, so the two hours went by quickly. Comparing the past with the present, or comparing myself to others, can be very painful. But after thinking about it, I decided to try my best within the limits of my abilities. There is no such thing as a life without illness. I happened to get a disease that anyone can get, and I felt that I had no choice but to accept it. I felt that I wanted to live a long and tenacious life because I got sick.

I began to feel that I wanted to live alone. And I also wanted to go to the workshop full time.

To achieve this, I decided to get up early in the morning, go for walks, and make the effort I can. I will focus on what I can do now. That’s all there is to it. I will do my best to do it. I want to believe in my current abilities and help them grow.

