English below
Today, we talked about our recovery stories at the Weakness Group Cafe (LINE call). Each story was heartfelt, and I felt that it was true that there is no right answer to recovery stories.
It may seem like a painful past to a healthy person on the outside, but we live hard even with our painful past. There was no doubt about that. This pain is like a wound that sometimes opens up and threatens us. Everyone thought that the biggest challenge in their life was developing schizophrenia.
Some of my fellow sufferers said that their dream was to “keep living for those who support me.” Those words were true, so they touched my heart. Other people said they were moved by them. When I thought about whether there was anyone who would truly support me now, the only one I could think of was the Weakness Group. My family was already a relationship based on inertia, so I couldn’t expect anything.
I want to make connections outside of my family. Maybe having a Weakness Group would be enough, but I’m also afraid of becoming too dependent on the Weakness Group and causing problems. Right now, I’m scared everywhere. But I thought that if the bond we forgot was not a temporary thing but grew over time, it would become a treasure.
Right now, I thought that all I could do was be grateful for what I have.
Even if I thought about why my brain was damaged, time wouldn’t go back. There was nothing else to do now. Nothing to do but eat, sleep, wake up, and repeat the cycle. I didn’t become a wreck. Maybe that was a good thing.
At any rate, by sharing our recovery stories, I felt that we had shared a very important experience. No doubt it was a unique experience for each of us.