


ことばの朗読空間をつくる Creating a space for reading words aloud







Tanikawa Shuntaro passed away. I happened to hear a poem that Tanikawa was reciting, and I thought reciting was great after all. Tanikawa said he was involved in the production of 400 picture books. He was an overwhelming presence.

Inspired by Tanikawa’s presence, I decided to create a space for reciting as well. I simply used my old Twitter space to recite a sentence from my blog. I thought I would take an action to sharpen my current power of words, with a feeling similar to radio.

Since I became ill, my sensitivity to words has weakened compared to before. Now I can’t think of fashionable words as culture. I am more attracted to words that are rooted in life, words of life.

These are the words of the land, the words of the sick or disabled, not pretty words, but living words that seem to flow with blood.

I thought that sound is important in being conscious of words. I don’t like my own voice, but I thought that reading aloud with these words I don’t like would be empowering.

Anyway, I’m going to give it a try, and I hope that it will help create at least one more space in this world for people who find life difficult.

ことばの朗読空間をつくる Creating a space for reading words aloud|cyp_yogi
谷川俊太郎さんが亡くなった。それでたまたま谷川さんが朗読している詩を聞いて、やっぱり朗読はいいなと思った。谷川さんは400冊の絵本制作にかかわったと言う。圧倒的な存在だ。 谷川さんの存在に触発されて、私も朗読するスペースを作ってみることにし...

